


Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body in order to cause a therapeutic effect. Stimulation of these points causes both local effects (near the site of the needle) and systemic effects (body-wide activation of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems). Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine views the body as an energetic structure that is susceptible to certain disease patterns. The goal is to restore balance by identifying and clearing the disturbance of energy flow. In both conventional medical and TCVM perspectives, acupuncture helps the body heal with its natural ability.

Veterinary Medical Manipulation

“Equine Chiropractic”

Similar to chiropractic adjustments performed by a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) in humans, Veterinary Medical Manipulation (VMM) involves the manipulation and adjustment of the spine and other joints in animals. It is performed by a trained and certified Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. VMM involves very specific and gentle manipulations, and does not rely on strength or large movements. VMM enhances the animal’s health and ability to heal by improving biomechanics, nerve function, immune response, and restoring normal range of motion.

Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment used to modulate pain and enhance the rate of healing in soft tissue and bone disorders. Shockwaves are high energy acoustic waves that transmit energy to deeper structures in the body, causing a biological response at the cellular level. It stimulates new cell growth, improves circulation, and encourages healing. Think of shockwave therapy as creating “controlled re-injuries” which remind the body to heal itself. ESWT may be recommended for horses suffering from acute or chronic sources of pain. It is commonly used to treat back pain, hock pain, and injuries of tendons or ligaments in the body. The equipment is portable and can be performed at the client’s farm. The patient may be sedated for the treatment, which typically lasts about 15 minutes. Treatment protocols vary depending on the injury or site, but there are typically 2-3 treatments spaced 2 weeks apart. Horses should be rested for several days following shockwave therapy, due to its short-term analgesic effects. 


Mesotherapy helps treat chronic pain and muscle spasms in the neck and back. Treatment consists of injecting substances in the intradermal layer of the skin with very small needles. The small injections dissipate over time, which stimulate nerve fibers that block pain and break the chronic pain cycle. The number of treatments required varies depending on the condition and chronicity of symptoms, but typically a minimum of 1-2 treatments are performed. Horses are sedated for the procedure and should be rested for several days after treatment. This is an additional tool to tackle difficult back pain cases, and helps increase the efficiency of other treatments like chiropractic, acupuncture, and shockwave therapy.


Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. Chinese herbal formulas are potent and are prescribed for treating specific conditions. All of the formulas recommended by Bitterroot Integrative Veterinary Services are produced by Dr. Xie’s Jing Tang Herbal, Inc., a professional manufacturer and supplier of veterinary herbal formulas. The formulas are manufactured in the United States, follow strict quality control regulations, and are only available through licensed veterinarians. Herbal therapy may help your animal improve more quickly, may decrease the number of acupuncture treatments needed, and in some cases, may be used instead of needles.