New Client/Patient Forms

Please fill out completely prior to your first appointment.

How to prepare for an appointment

  1. Complete the new patient registration forms. If you have records from your primary veterinarian that you’d like Dr. Roth to review, please have them sent before the appointment.

  2. Owner or handler must be present. Owner/handler should be able to comfortably restrain their horse so that Dr. Roth can work safely. Owner/handler may be asked to jog, lunge, or ride their horse as part of the lameness evaluation.

  3. Horses must be clean, especially for acupuncture sessions. Please make sure your horse is dry and that any dirt/debris has been brushed/removed prior to the appointment.

  4. Adequate shelter/surfaces. Especially in winter months, please have a shelter available with non-slippery footing.

  5. For equine lameness examinations, please make sure you have an area with adequate footing that is big enough for your horse to be jogged in a straight line and lunged in a circle.

  6. If your animal has food allergies, please provide your own treats/rewards.

  7. Payment is required at the time of service.